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纽约华人网 -致力于提供纽约本地的餐饮、休闲、娱乐等生活服务发表评论、分享信息的平台,并为广大潜在的消费者提供客观、准确的本地化消费信息指南。
VNB Magazine is the first and only Asian glamour magazine that is devoted to discover and celebrate beauty in New York City. Our editorial covers multiple works of models, photographers, makeup artists, fashion designers that want to reveal the glamour, exquisiteness, and style of the splendor to the world. We are often sophisticated, always complete and beyond supportive of those with a passion for art and have different perspective for this magnificent world of multiple beauty.
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In Chinese Acupuncture NYC, they specialize in Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM). We offer Acupuncture, Chinese herb medicine, Acupressure, Tui-Na Therapy, Moxie and many services for Pain management, Infertility IVF/ IUI Support, Anxiety, Depression Stress, asthma, Cancer problems, MS, Fatigue,Facial Rejuvenation,Acne, Quit Smoke and Weight Loss.
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西班牙音乐专辑: http://www.locomotiverecords.com
Locomotive Records is an independent record label based in Spain. Previously known as Locomotive Music
Vinstra网页设计: http://www.vinstraweb.com
VinstraWeb Design is an online marketing company based in New York. Our main business is focused on web design。
纽约威尔士节日: http://www.walesinny.com
Wales Week is a festival held each year in New York around the national holiday of Wales – St David’s Day (March 1).
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